Given a list of people and a parent-child relation, find the tallest family trees.

Input. The input file consists of a list of people ids and a list of pairs [parent, child]. The list of pairs indicates the parent-child relation, e.g. [1,2] means that person with id 1 is the parent of person with id 2.

The first line of input consists of a sequence of integers separated by a single space, the list of people ids. The remaining lines consist each of a pair of integers separated by a single space, the parent-child relation. The input is terminated by an EOF character.

The following is an sample input file.

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2
4 3
3 5
2 6

Output. The output consists of all the roots of the tallest family trees, sorted. The roots are to be given in a single line, separated by a single space.

For example, the following is the output for the previous sample input.

1 4


Here is a Ruby implementation.

def height g, v
  return g[v][:c].reduce(1){ |a, i| [a, height(g, i) + 1].max }

def tallest_trees g
  md = 0
  dt = []
  g.each do |k, v|
    if not !!v[:p]
      d = height g, k
      if d > md
        md = d
        dt = [k]
      elsif d == md
        dt << k
  return dt.sort

def main
  ids = readline.split(' ').map(&:to_i) rescue abort('Could not read ids.')
  g = { |i| [i, { :p => nil, :c => [] }] }.to_h
  while true
    p = readline.split(' ').map(&:to_i) rescue break
    g[p[0]][:c] << p[1]
    g[p[1]][:p] = p[0]
  puts tallest_trees(g).join(' ')

