Corner to Corner Matrix Traversal
Given a square matrix of integers, find the maximum sum of elements on the way from the top-left cell to the bottom-right cell. From a given cell, you may only move either to the cell to the right or to the cell below. For example, consider the following matrix.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The maximum sum is 29 and is given by the following path.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 -> 8 -> 9
Your task is to write procedure traverse
that takes a square matrix
of integers and returns the corresponding answer.
Here is a Ruby implementation.
def traverse m
n = m.length - 1
(0..n).each do |i|
(0..n).each do |j|
u = if i > 0 then m[i-1][j] else 0 end
l = if j > 0 then m[i][j-1] else 0 end
m[i][j] = [u, l].max + m[i][j]
return m[-1][-1]